Boxing: sport, workout, or lifestyle
More people are turning to boxing gyms for the physical and mental health benefits
March 30, 2021
Sports that involve physical “fighting” are often frowned upon, however, there are many overlooked benefits to boxing. Boxing requires working a variety of muscles at once while performing rapid and strong movements.
Boxing clubs offer a way to stay healthy and in shape as well as a place to learn self-control and self-defense.
“I had begun boxing because it was always something that both of my parents were passionate about,” said junior Quinn Scaglione. “It seemed like it would be good to pursue from a fitness standpoint, especially since I’d already done other martial arts.”
Boxing is an excellent way to increase cardio and muscular endurance. All of those factors contribute to a large increase in heart rate which helps keep your heart in shape as well as protecting your body from certain illnesses such as heart disease.

(Photo submitted by: Q. Scaglione)
“Boxing is of course beneficial for my physical wellbeing and general health, but it also aided me in areas I hadn’t expected such as stress relief,” said Scaglione. “I personally have had problems with my heart rate and blood pressure, which both improved through frequent boxing.”
Boxing can be a competitive sport, but it can also be an everyday exercise or even lifestyle.
“It can certainly be any of the three [sport, workout, or lifestyle] depending on who you ask, but for me, boxing is mainly exercise,” said Scaglione. “I wasn’t so interested in the competitive sport aspect as I was in the basic fitness of it. I can easily understand how it can become a lifestyle for a person.”
If you’re interested in trying out boxing there are several boxing gyms in Virginia Beach and Chesapeake that focus on boxing for physical fitness, not boxing for fighting. Your best bet is a Google search to see which one is right for you.