Silence in the stands
How fans feel about not being able to attend sports events
April 23, 2021
Going to high school sporting events is an exciting and engaging experience but, due to Covid-19, spectating in person as we knew it has become something of the past (for now).
“A great way to connect with some students is through their sport and I’ve missed being able to watch my students play and ask about games and tournaments,” said history teacher Mrs. Jennifer Mechling.
The majority of teachers and students across the beach district have missed out on attending sports events, but Student Activities Coordinator Mr. Mark Harrison is one of a few staff members who is lucky enough to spectate in person.

“I have attended any number of Salem contests that have occurred at other schools within the beach district,” said Harrison. “Things are pretty much the same at these schools as they are at ours. It’s been a plus for me personally because I can bellow support for our teams & players can hear it. I found myself hollering ‘play big!’ and ‘get a good shot!’ during the basketball season.”
The SunDevil spirit and mentality will always be with the students and adapting to these new circumstances has made our athletes grow as well.
“[I wish] it could go back to some sort of normalcy for the newcomers because high school sports are definitely an experience worth having and something not to be missed if possible” said senior Brandon Kinsel. “The memories made, the friendships forged, it’s something I’m going to miss when I leave, but I hope the next folk in line could get that same experience I cherished.”
The energy and feeling of support from the stands is somewhat indescribable, and when playing, you feel more motivated than ever to make a big play.

“[I look forward to] just the energy of cheering crowds – there’s nothing else quite like it,” said Mechling.
Though many athletes this year have missed out on this feeling, there is some hope of it returning in the future.
“We are seeing some relief between the governor’s executive orders and what the VHSL is stating with regard to outdoor activities,” said Harrison. “I believe that indoor sports will remain limited, though there is some talk of having spectators being able to attend regional competitions. What we hear, say, and know from day to day has been confusing. We continue to advocate for broader levels of student participation, trying to keep in mind that the pandemic is not over. I think at some point spectators will be allowed back, but really don’t know when.”

Time will tell when sports spectating will go back to normal, but do not be discouraged. You can safely support your teams by downloading the NFHS Network in the app store to watch the games. Even though you are not allowed to be in the building or in the stands yourself, you can always support the teams.