To travel or not to travel, that is the question
Millions are getting vaccinated, but do we feel safe enough to travel yet?
April 22, 2021
At the beginning of the pandemic, people in most countries across the world were issued a stay home and quarantine order. Airports cancelled flights, and traveling nearly came to a halt to prevent the spread of Covid-19, but over the past few weeks airports have seen more travelers than since the pandemic began. Though some people are still uneasy and are waiting until Covid-19 ends, more and more people are taking those trips they’ve been waiting for.
“I am looking forward to being able to go out of state to see my family and going to North Carolina with my friends,” said junior Dana Potter.
Millions of people were heartbroken when Covid-19 left them unable to travel or to see friends and family.
“I miss not being able to travel as much and miss seeing all the fun locations,” said Potter. “Also, I miss making new memories with my friends.”
Even though millions of Americans are getting vaccinated, traveling is not yet guaranteed to be safe and there are tons of people who have mixed-emotions about traveling again.
“I am still nervous [to travel], knowing that some people are unsafe [not wearing masks etc.] during the pandemic,” said Potter.
Distancing by staying home can ensure that you are safe, but it can be difficult. Staying at your house for a long period of time can get boring.

“It is hard because you are stuck in one place for a long time and you can not leave or do anything,” said senior Téa Rumple.
There have been some pluses to being stuck at home though.
“It is nice to stay home and be able to take care of my homework and other important things,” said senior Alexander Lyles.
Each day that more people are vaccinated, traveling becomes safer and safer. According to the CDC’s most recent recommendations, “people who are fully vaccinated with an FDA-authorized vaccine can travel safely within the United States,” but they still need to follow safety guidelines like wearing a mask and social distancing. The CDC recommends being fully vaccinated before traveling.