COVID regulation Q&A with athletes
Sports have faced constant change as a result of COVID
November 16, 2021
Senior Ashton Dodrill – Swimming

Q: “How have COVID restrictions changed swimming?
A: As of last year, the swim team has had to decrease their team size by a lot due to COVID restrictions. This has also changed the way we do team workouts as well because everyone can’t be in the pool at the same time.
Q: Do these restrictions seem reasonable or necessary for player safety?
A: I believe these restrictions are reasonable to help keep everyone as safe as possible. Usually there are about 20 swimmers on the team and it has decreased by a lot. It is also necessary when it comes to practice to try and keep that six foot distance.
Q: Which of these have affected you personally the most?
A: Personally this has made tryouts a lot harder because there are limited spots. This has affected me because swim season starts late in the school year and it’s hard to get into a pool during this time because of restrictions. This has caused me to not be able to perform my best during the tryout.
Senior Gabrielle Davis – Softball

Q: “How have COVID restrictions changed the way softball is played?
A: The softball team was no longer allowed to hold captain lead practices. Another thing is that we weren’t allowed to change in the locker rooms as a team, and had to change in the bathrooms in small groups.
Q: Do these restrictions seem reasonable or necessary for player safety?
A: I feel that there are certain restrictions that are reasonable, however the team not being able to change in the locker rooms seems a bit counterproductive.
Q: Which of these have affected you personally the most?
A: I’ve been personally affected by the lack of practices we are allowed to have. We now have to work around the schedule of our coach, who has a full course load and is the coach of another sport.
Senior Jasmyn Choate – Cheerleading

Q: “How have COVID restrictions changed the way the cheerleading team practices and competes?
A: Cheerleading is very demanding. Sideline cheer includes a lot of crowd participation and activity, but during games we are no longer allowed to cheer in the stands in front of the fans. Our competition cheer team has suffered a great deal of limitations, our ability to stunt and go different tricks has been completely shut down; we have the bare minimum that is allowed. They’ve also changed our spectators, rules, and regulations, and mask mandates especially so now we’re adjusting to practice wearing masks.
Q: Do these restrictions seem reasonable or necessary for player safety?
A: It is understandable for sideline cheer because Friday night football games are, or are supposed to be, packed, not wearing masks cheering directly in front of people can be seen as hazardous. I don’t necessarily understand all the restrictions for competition cheer because stunts demand for members to be close in performing, so there’s no reason to take away some instead of all.
Q: Which of these have affected you personally the most?
A: Oftentimes before games we go and meet the opposing team and introduce ourselves for sideline cheer, with COVID guidelines we can’t really do that anymore which is unfortunate because I feel it plays a great role in sportsmanship.

Senior Sydni Johnson Softball
Q: “How have COVID restrictions changed softball?
A: Often having to warm up or play in masks especially when covid breakouts were at its highest. Not being able to show sportsmanship when meeting before the games or going down the line to say good game.
Q: Do these restrictions seem reasonable or necessary for player safety?
A: Yes, especially when getting within 6 feet of the other team
Q: Which of these have affected you personally the most?
A: Not being able to show sportsmanship. I say that because when you play against your friends that go to another school you want to talk to them afterwards or before.
Senior Mallory Haske – Field Hockey

Q: “How have COVID restrictions changed Field Hockey?
A: Last year, our season was cut short. We played during the spring instead of the fall. We were only allowed to play a small amount of games. This year, we are no longer allowed to shake hands after games, we can not do team bonding dinners/events, and we are not allowed to have a banquet.
Q: Do these restrictions seem reasonable or necessary for player safety?
A: We play together on the field and hangout off the field so I think we should have been able to have team bonding activities. I understand not being able to shake hands, since that spreads germs majorly.
Q: Which of these have affected you personally the most?
A: The Restriction that affected me the most would be, being unable to bond with a team outside of school. This created a lack of trust and relationship with the girls. It made it harder to connect on the field, there was a lot of drama on the team, and we didn’t really click together as a family.