Calling all campers

Tips about camping and fun activities to try!

Emmaly Lemieszek, Staff Writer

Do you love the outdoors? Are you a person who likes to explore and try new things? Then camping is for you! There are so many activities and different ways of camping, whether it’s camping in a tent, camper, backpacking, or glamping. 

“I definitely like to camp by tent, if weather permits,” said junior Alyssa Cramblette. “Backpack camping freaks me out because you could be so far away from help or any communication with people.” 

Although camping can be fun and exciting, camping is not for everyone. There are some downsides like many campsites not having phone service, flushable toilets, showers, and encountering bears, mountain lions, or other wild creatures. Although these things can be difficult for some people, it can also bring out some people’s adventurous sides. Who needs a shower when you have a cold river next to your campsite!

Junior Emmaly Lemieszek and her father explore a river while camping in Colorado. (Emmaly Lemieszek)

“The downsides to camping are the heat, mosquitoes and sunburns,” said junior Katherine Underwood.

There are many important items you must bring when camping. Weather is a big part of how you pack your clothes. Layers are really good for mountain areas because it gets very cold at night and during the day, even if it’s summer. It is also very important to pack athletic clothes or sneakers if you like to go on hikes. Blisters are no fun! Since there are a lot of campsites that do not have showers, public bathrooms, or stores, you should bring your own food, drinking water and water to use for brushing your teeth and cleaning up. 

“People should definitely bring a lot of water,” said junior Sebastian Vera.

Sunblock is a must; make sure to wear some because it can be very sunny in some locations.

(Emmaly Lemieszek)

“Some important things are a sleeping bag, supplies to make a fire, flashlight, and appropriate clothes for weather,” said sophomore Nicole Byrd.

Campsites that are in the mountain region tend to have more wild animals. It is very important to always stay aware of your surroundings and have bear spray with you. If you are really into safety, some hikers wear hats with big colorful eyes on the back because mountain lions tend to attack when you are turned away from them. Always bring a first aid kit with you for any small cuts and bruises you might get.

If you are ever bored whilst camping, don’t worry, there are countless amounts of activities and games you can try! 

“My family and I love to go kayaking, hiking, fishing, and we also like to build fires and cook over the fire,” said Underwood.

Here is a link full of outdoor activity ideas. My favorite activities to do while camping are hiking and sitting around the campfire at night because I love to look at the scenery around. Cramblette’s favorite thing to do while camping is exploring and swimming.

“My favorite thing to do when camping is to build a fire in the morning or go fishing,” said junior William Thompson

If you think that you would enjoy camping but don’t know where to go, below are some links for different types of camping spots:

Most scenic campgrounds

Best places to camp in every state

Camping for beginners