Ring Dance at a glance
Information about ring dance 2022

April 20, 2022
Alert the media, ring dance is coming soon! Ring dance will be held on April 30, 2022, at the Military Aviation Museum from 7 pm to 11 pm.
So many experiences and wonders await! With our theme “come fly with me,” expect an old Hollywood, Great Gatsby glamor vibe. The dance will include decorations with an art deco style, filling the rooms with different bold colors like black, white, and gold.
If you need inspiration or ideas on what to wear, how to style your hair, and which makeup look to do, I would suggest using Pinterest. There are so many posts based on old Hollywood and roaring 20’s that would surely help.
“I’m really ecstatic for the students to see the hard work we put into putting together a coherent theme,” said junior class president Isabella Quiñones. “I know that our ring dance decoration committee has worked incredibly hard to make the perfect atmosphere, and I hope the juniors will be able to feel as though they are in the time era!”
We also have a spirit week leading up to the dance with some after school activities as well. Stay tuned for more details as they are finalized.
“I am personally looking forward to seeing friends and other classmates in general outside of school hours,” said Quiñones. “It’s definitely been a rough patch with trying to get class spirit events, so I hope it will help bring out a sense of community and Sundevil strength within us!”
The Aviation museum will offer students a ton of space to dance the night away and eat down stairs while still having a quiet space upstairs for people who would prefer to sit quietly and play entertaining games rather than dance. There will be scrumptious snacks by cafe 103 and a mock-tail bar. The cafe will include buffet snacks, fresh fruits and veggies, and light refreshments.
“I am most excited for students to be able to see each other in a large social gathering again,” said sponsor for class of 2023 and teacher Lacy Krell.
Krell has guest forms outside of her door at room 214.
You can still buy tickets now for $75 until April 28th, 2022 using this link: