What does fashion mean to us?

How Salem students view fashion

Kathleen Capistrano, Staff Writer

Fashion trends have evolved throughout history, reflecting different eras of individuality and normality. Fashion is timeless, allowing people to express themselves however they want. These days, fashion is especially important to teens. Each garment is chosen with a purpose, whether intentionally or not.

“Discovering my personal fashion is something I enjoy and my fashion taste is constantly changing,” said junior Brenna McDevitt. “I really enjoy shopping for clothes and coming up with different outfit ideas.” 

Despite what people might say, fashion is not limited to expensive designer clothing. The way a person dresses can tell a story; whether it is character, culture, or confidence, there is always a story to be told.

“I’m not pressed to be a fashionista every day so it’s not that important, but I definitely do try to dress how I want to be portrayed,” said junior Natalia Hernandez. “It’s kind of like putting on a cool character persona with every outfit.” 

All kinds of fashion can been seen in the commons in the morning and afternoons. (Photo by: K. Capistrano)

There is no set standard for fashion, just creativity. However, in an attempt to keep up with hundreds of different trends, fast fashion industries have surged.

“Fast fashion is a big problem,” said McDevitt. “Trends are constantly changing and a lot of young people do not consume and buy responsibly. I love some of the recent trends that have been happening, but getting rid of clothes a month after you buy them because they aren’t trendy anymore is not okay.”

With trends coming and going, students have noticed a surge in fast fashion companies, like Fashion Nova, Shein, and Uniqlo, which increase carbon emissions drastically. So, what are some ways to combat this?

“Thrift shopping helps reduce your carbon footprint,” said junior Emily Shanks. “It’s also a helpful way to explore different styles and clothing brands while on a budget.”

Furthermore, fashion gives people the ability to convey ideas bigger than themselves. For example, in the 1920s, flapper fashion was introduced. Through this style, women began embracing their freedom by wearing clothing that was considered against the norm and wearing makeup despite it being considered promiscuous.

“I think that clothes are often dismissed as just something that covers your body, but in reality, it’s a way of expressing yourself and it shouldn’t always have to be conventional,” said Hernandez. “People should wear what they think looks cool.”

Different students have different tastes, emphasizing the importance of maintaining fashion diversity. 

“I think fashion diversity is important so everyone can express themselves,” said junior Zaul Guiler. 

Fashion can be explored in many different ways. Whether it is through aesthetics, belief, or even confidence, fashion has always been, and will continue to be, used as a form of expression. It is up to you to decide what story you want to tell through what you wear.