5 things to look forward to second semester
Insights into upcoming events
February 24, 2023
As school days continue, we can get lost in the drudgery of day to day tasks. From exclusive performances like Open Mic to our most populous events like prom, SunDevil leaders work around the clock to make our school a place will enjoy. Here are five things you can look forward to in the second semester:
One Lunch
Entering the second semester, the administration is determined to offer one lunch again. We didn’t do so well the first week we tried it, but with a few adjustments we will hopefully be able to return to one lunch soon.
According to School Improvement Specialist Mrs. Margaret Wilson the benefits of one lunch include that “students can meet with a teacher for a course they are struggling with, makeup a test or quiz without having to stay after school, join a new club and/or meet with the clubs they belong to during the school day, and receive SOL tutoring.”
One Lunch is a longer lunch than the four blocked lunches so students can utilize that time to do what most benefits them.
“All of us have a role to play in contributing to the safety of One Lunch and we need to CHOOSE to demonstrate the SunDevil characteristics that make Salem such an amazing and unique school,” said Wilson.
Leadership Workshop

Leadership is coming up on February 24, 25, and 26. Workshop staff have worked collaboratively to put together enriching lessons and activities for those who attend.
“The most exciting part about being on staff is getting to work with awesome people to put on a special event,” said Workshop staff member, senior Emily Euler. “I love spending time with fellow staff members and being a part of a meaningful program for Salem.”
Delegates will travel to Triple-R Ranch, be split up into councils and guided through sessions and endeavors that strengthen their leadership skills.
“Students who attend gain empathy, respect, responsibility, and accountability and should display those qualities in their personal, scholastic, and professional lives,” said Workshop sponsor and Social Studies teacher Mrs. Kimberely Roe.
The importance of Leadership Workshop relies on the student body creating memories and enjoying their time together.
Salem Stars
SunDevil Stars is a variety show put on by our SCA. Sponsors Meredith Holt and Kimberely Roe work with the SCA executive council to host a pageant highlighting student talent.
“It provides (sometimes much-needed) relief from the daily grind of school and grades, and gives us the opportunity to get to know some of our amazing students on a more personal level,” said Roe.
With ADC and their sponsor assisting SCA, Katerine Flint, the Modern Dance instructor of the Dance Strand, choreographs the numbers and instructs the contestants to put on a grand show. Also, ADC choreographs their own number between acts adding an exclusive extra to the event.
SunDevil Stars promotes the amazing energy of the student body. The show promotes our spirit and gathers folks for a good time and new memories.
“If anyone has a talent they’d like to share, don’t hesitate! You don’t get many moments in life to shine at the things you love,” said Roe.
Spring Open Mic
Maelstrom’s Spring Open Mic gives students the opportunity to perform and showcase their art in an intimate setting. Maelstrom has not released their date for this exclusive event yet.
“For some seniors, it will be the last time they perform for the event. That fact always provides an extra injection of energy,” said Maelstrom co-sponsor, Mr. Ray Obispo.
Compared to the Fall Open Mic, the Spring Open Mic has a different theme and is used to promote last-minute submissions for the Maelstrom Magazine.
“Our Salem peers should look forward to this Spring’s Open Mic because it is a space that students and staff have to commemorate Salem artists,” said member of Maelstrom senior Abby Johnson.
Ring Dance and Prom
The juniors have announced their Ring Dance will be on March 25 at the Aquarium and seniors have announced Prom is June 3 at The Founders Inn. Both executive councils have their hands full designing, financing, and organizing their events.
“Prom’s success is solely based on whether the senior body enjoyed the event. It’s difficult to find themes, decor, food, and music that everyone will like,” said Class of 2023 President senior RJ Mendoza.
AreJay • Mar 17, 2023 at 12:22 pm
SHSLW, SunDevil Stars, Open-mic, Ring Dance, and Prom are all going to be a absolute bangers of an event. I’m excited to be a SUNDEVIL !! Also, I am looking forward for March 23 for the SHS’s dodgeball tournament. W article would read again