No more zeros

New grading guidelines replace zeros with 25%

Anna Grace Riegle, Editor in chief

According to the Fair and Equitable School Wide Grading Guidelines now in effect, students will no longer be receiving zeros in the gradebook. Specifically, all zeros entered in the gradebook for missing work will be replaced with a 25% at the end of the quarter “to allow for grade recovery.”

“Sometimes there are circumstances that cause them to miss assignments,” said senior Mona Hosseini, “and the new grading standards help keep students’ grades up.”

Moreover, these zeros can be recovered throughout the quarter “if work is submitted in accordance with each teacher’s Class Expectations.” But this does not mean that all late work will be accepted. Each teacher’s grading guidelines and late work policies are different; refer to class expectations or communicate with your teacher if you are unsure about these policies. 

Even an assignment worth ten points can drastically bring down a student’s grade if entered as a zero. When these zeroes pile up, grades can be difficult to recover.

“They’re still being penalized for not completing work,” said Hosseini, “but it insures that a couple mistakes don’t ruin a student’s entire grade.”

However, some may feel that the new policy is unfair, considering it gives students credit for work they may have not even attempted.

“I feel like it teaches kids that when they do nothing, they still get something,” said government and history teacher Jennifer Mechling.

Others are indifferent, as this policy may not affect all students.

“It doesn’t affect me,” said senior Emma Wynn, “because by the time teachers would put the 25% in [the gradebook], I’ve already fixed my grade.” 

Math teacher Jason Byzewski doesn’t see a problem with the system in place, but would rethink it under different circumstances.

“I am okay with how we set the rule up so that the lowest grade is a 25%,” said Byzewski, “I have a little bit more of an issue with some schools where the lowest grade is a 50%. I feel like that really gives more credit to those who don’t do the work than should be allowed.”

Additionally, it’s worth noting that there may be other solutions to the impact of zeros on a student’s grade. 

“I understand why they changed it to 25%,” said senior Rhiana Quinn, “but if the goal is to prevent kids from failing classes, I think it would be more effective for teachers to offer participation points or some other method of grade salvation rather than altering the grading system itself.”

Regardless, teachers and administrators work hard to ensure grading policies are fair and equitable. Access the full schoolwide grading guidelines here.