Blast from the past
Teachers prom and ring dance photos.

May 11, 2023
With ring dance having just occurred and prom around the corner, the SunDevil Times asked Salem staff members to share their prom or ring dance photos.
See if you can guess who is who.
The answer key is at the bottom of the page. DO NOT scroll past the third collage unless you want spoilers.
1. Assistant principle Jairo Padilla
2. Technology education teacher Jason Borte
“Aside from having to drive three hours home from a surf contest and making it just in time, getting lost looking for the venue in Norfolk, being too self-conscious to have any fun, and driving three hours back to the surf contest early the next morning, my prom was wonderful.”
3. Biology teacher Carol Macdonald
“Went to prom with a very good friend. 1984 Green Run HS. Had a complete blast. My mom made my dress and there was a giant hoop under it lol.”
4. Academy coordinator Amy Schuiteboer
5. English teacher Kim Baker
6. History Teacher Mechling
7. Special Education Teacher Assistant Gennifer Zumbro
“Salem High School Ring Dance 1997. I believe it was at the Oceana Officers Club. It was a night filled with friends, photos, music and lots and lots of dancing!!”
8. Social Studies Teacher Kristen Shows
9. 10th HPE Teacher John Murray
“This was 1986. If it matters, I’m with James Tabora who is currently an HPE teacher at Salem MS. Some of our students will have had Mr. Tabora as a teacher.”
10. English teacher Kathleen Trace
“I went to prom with a friend because I wasn’t dating anyone at that point in high school. Going with a friend was the best because I got to dance with everybody and nobody got jealous. I actually danced with my future husband at prom, but we were just friends at the time. We didn’t reconnect and start dating until about five years later.”
11. Science Teacher Heather Williams
12. Math Teacher Elizabeth Kress
“I had my Salem High prom ‘99 at Founder’s Inn”
13. Art Teacher Binta Smith
“My best friend and I both accidentally got the same dress and we both loved them so much that we decided to just make little changes to them so we can still wear them.”
14. History Teacher Veronica Ruiz
15. Culinary teacher Shirley Voloudakis
“Here is a picture of me at Prom with my husband- we have been together now for 33 years.”
AreJay • May 11, 2023 at 12:20 pm
They all love fabulous, excited to see what the class of 2023 brings to prom on June 3rd !