Homecoming Court nominations: Tuesday, October 10th
Homecoming Court voting: Tuesday, October 17th
Homecoming Lock-in: Friday, October 20th 2-6 pm
Spirit Week: The week of October 23rd-27th
Bonfire: Wednesday, October 25th from 6-8 pm
Homecoming Game (with Parade): Friday, October 27th at 7 pm
Homecoming Dance: Saturday, October 28th from 7-10 pm
Homecoming season is right around the corner. Whichever event students are most excited for, it’s important everyone knows what to expect and how to help.

“I am most excited about seeing the students’ creativity with our theme of Candyland,” said Co-SCA advisor Meredith Holt. “I love how Homecoming allows students to really get involved in so many different clubs and activities at one point in time.”
Students can channel their creativity by participating in the Homecoming Lock-in to decorate a hallway with their class, club, or sport in a way that pertains to this year’s Candyland theme.
“Homecoming season has so much preparation and activities that go into it,” said SCA Homecoming Chair Ria Beatriz Paguiligan. “It is such a huge opportunity for the student body to come help out during SCA painting parties, hallway decorating, and so much more!”
Decorating for Homecoming is a productive way to show school spirit and build lasting memories. Other events, like Bonfire, are also great opportunities to get involved and make lifelong memories..
“I encourage people to start thinking about the hallway decorating contest and getting excited for Bonfire!” said SCA President Sammi Easmeil.
Bonfire is an event that will be held on October 25th from 6-8 pm that consists of live music performances, fundraisers, catered food trucks, and activities like cornhole and the cakewalk sponsored by various school organizations. Tickets can be purchased for $5.
Above all else, students are encouraged to participate, get to know their classmates, and enjoy themselves.
“I’m excited that we have a really cool theme and we can spread joy around the school by bringing everyone together,” said Easmeil.
Given that all current students experienced the shutdown of COVID-19, getting to have experiences like Homecoming has all the more meaning.
“We want as many people to get involved as it helps make sure that we are doing our best for the entire student body!” said Holt. ¨We can’t make your high school experience great without YOU!”
Getting involved with Homecoming is every students’ chance to kick off this year with a bang. Tickets will be sold online via school cash online ONLY for 10 dollars and will be sold until Wednesday, October 25th. If students are looking for a non-Salem guest form, they must get them from room 218 or 229.
To learn more, students can consult SCA advisers Ms. Holt and Mrs. Rowe or student activities coordinator Mrs. Fernheimer with any questions.