The Common App makes the college application process nearly effortless, especially for students applying to multiple colleges. The app provides the outline of all the information and requirements colleges need to know about a student— but two of the most important parts of the whole process are the ¨Personal Statement¨ and ¨Activities¨ sections.

“The biggest issue for me in writing the Common App essay was finding a topic to write about,” said senior Aliyah Pitts. “I’ve always been told that the people who have sad or traumatic essays are the ones who get into college. For me personally, nothing like that has happened to me. It has made me feel like whatever I will write about won’t help me as much as it might help someone else who might have had those experiences.”
Students often struggle with the task of writing an essay that both catches the admission officer´s attention and also fully encapsulates who the student is as a person along with what they value.
¨Honestly there were two big topics that I had in my head, and I ended up writing about both of them and then I realized which one I liked talking about more,¨ said senior Jada Arthur.
Making the essay you write an extension of your personality and values is something difficult but imperative to the process. Think about what you´re passionate about. What makes you you?
¨Colleges like to use a similar format. They also like to use questions that focus on life reflections or life choices the candidate has made,” said Honors English 11 teacher Robin Lusk-Stancil. “They like to hear the person discuss their positive and sometimes even negative traits to see what is truly important to the person and how objective/ self-deprecating, etc. the person is.¨
Admissions officers read dozens of essays a day, which means your essay has to stand out. Write something that’s completely you, but also brings what the admissions committee would be interested in and want to hear.
“I think a lot of the tips are like, ‘you have to stand out, but also don’t do this,’ then it’s also ‘you should write like this person,’” said senior Ebanehita Ighalo. “It’s also hard to figure out because sometimes the essay has a lot of personality, but they aren’t making it in— it’s not professional enough, but you can’t be too professional, [etc]. It’s crazy.”
Although the admission process can be overwhelming, pulling through is part of the process. Colleges love to see you making an effort to succeed and to be involved in the community of your school. Which is why the activities section should be as detailed and precise as you can make it.
Make sure to list all the extracurricular activities you are involved in after or during school and what your responsibilities are in those activities.
Another important aspect of the Common App is teacher recommendations. Make sure to reach out to teachers in advance and ask if they are comfortable with recommending you before you submit their name on the Common App, which then sends them an automatic email to recommend you.
¨The Common App recommendation process seems generic,¨ said Lusk-Stancil. “I find the clicking of how someone excels in a category does not always speak to their strengths and weaknesses. They get a less complete picture of the candidate.”
The website for the Common App is And, don’t forget, you can always consult a teacher or counselor if you need help. Good luck on your applications!