Lethal Company is a multiplayer horror game best played with a group of friends. Despite being a horror game, Lethal Company is easily one of the worst games I’ve ever played.
The basis of the game is to collect as many items as possible in order to sell and collect money to make a quota for the game tasks. Every time a player reaches their quota, it increases to the point where it can reach the thousands. It seems simple on paper, just get the money. However, it is much, much harder.
In Lethal Company, players choose a moon to land on, buy tools if needed, find the planet’s main building, explore for the items needed for money, and return and deposit those items in the ship. Small issue though, there are very deadly monsters in and around the main building that all have different and unique sets of strengths and weaknesses.
Those aren’t the only drawbacks though. Moons can have weather conditions that affect monster spawn rate and player vision but increase the amount of items and money that can be obtained. Sometimes it can be stormy and lighting starts to happen. Sometimes it can be rainy and quicksand appears, and, the worst in my opinion, an eclipse can occur and make monster spawn rates go off the charts. Mines and turrets are also in the game which can be very scary at times.
This game makes me extremely furious. I will give it the benefit of the doubt by saying it is comedic when playing with friends, but it is honestly unplayable if played solo or with random people online.
Also, there are a lot of bugs. Some are funny, like elongated heads and “rubber-banding” all around the map. However, some are infuriating and outright broken/unfair, like hit-boxes when hitting a mine or a monster having further range than usual. It makes the game a lot less fun when walking a meter away from the mine and it still blows up, ending your playthrough.
Lastly, the brightness is way too low. Even though I feel it is intentional, I can hardly see what is in front of me even when I have both my computer and game brightness maxed out. It is great for jumpscares and is part of the game, but having to play on such a dim map makes it depressing because all a player looks at is a black screen.
I hope this game does flourish and blooms even more in the future, but I just do not see that happening. For now, Lethal Company just looks like a flavor of the month game.
Like Zach said WOMP WOMP • Feb 18, 2025 at 11:02 am
Zach Waters • Aug 2, 2024 at 1:41 am
womp womp
TERRY RICKORDS • May 27, 2024 at 5:31 am
Everything you said, is the exact point why it is an amazing game, the glitches are funny as crap, playing online is fun, the weather makes for dramatic events (like how I once jumped off the ship early and got sucked into a pit of quicksand), yeah playing solo is not too fun, and it is a little dark, but the dark makes it funny whenever you try to cross a gap and can’t see the beam, but even then there is a flashlight for a reason, and you can kill the monsters dude