The Treble Vocal Group, led by Mrs. Lynne German, has slowly gained attention as a female vocal group.

Salem Select is a group containing only female voices: Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Alto 1, and Alto 2 (SSAA). It contains eleven students of all grade levels and has recently started gaining more attention.
In this group, students pick out music perfect for their range to perform for school events such as The Winter Showcase, in which they performed “Breath of Heaven” written by Chris Eaton. This group recently had a field trip to Ocracoke Island where they performed three concerts, two for the school on the island, grades k – 12, and their last concert, in which they performed for the local community.

“My favorite thing about Ocacroke is the interactions we had with the kids, experiencing the island, and seeing how different it is compared to living in Virginia Beach,” said senior Amileana Carpenter.
Carpenter is a new member of Salem Select and one of the few students in the group considering pursuing music education.
“It was also nice to bond and get closer with everyone in the group,” said Carpenter.

“My favorite thing about Ocacroke would have been the people on the island and the infusion of culture. Everybody was so positive and everyone seemed to be living in the moment,” said junior Jordan Anthony.
This group of students has been keeping busy throughout the year and has already been making plans to sing in other areas of the city. Contact @salemtreble on Instagram if interested in applying next school year or for more updates.