Students are anxiously anticipating this year’s Homecoming. The dance will be held in the cafeteria and commons on October 19th from 7PM to 10PM, with student entry being by the doors of the student parking lot.
“This year’s theme, A Night in Olympus, includes elements associated with Greece, including the Olympics, mythology, art and architecture, philosophy, and more!” said co-SCA advisor Mrs. Kim Rowe.
The SCA worked hard to choose a theme they thought would be appropriate for this year.
“After thinking of the possibilities that are presented with the theme, I really like [A Night in Olympus],” said sophomore Bianca Rodriguez. “It is unique and allows everyone to dress how they want, but still correspond with the theme. There is no wrong way to dress when it comes to the theme.”
Homecoming is an event for the entire student body and it encourages unity by bringing students together from all grade levels.
“The goal for Homecoming is always to foster school spirit, unity, and community engagement through encouraging student participation, promoting a positive school culture, and creating lasting memories,” said Rowe.
Rodriguez also believes that the dance brings the student body together, reiterating Rowe’s thoughts.
“Homecoming allows for students to spend time with each other outside of an educational setting,” said Rodriguez. “Students are decorating together, participating in or creating spirit week, and creating themes.”
“I am somewhat excited for the chance to see people in a different mood other than in a school setting, but I am pretty nervous,” said freshman Alex Jensen. “It is going to be my first ever dance.”
Senior Dale Ancheta has advice for those who may be feeling nervous about Homecoming and its related spirit events. He urges people to “have fun and dance, [but] make sure you are being polite.”
“[My advice would be] try not to run around,” said Ancheta. “Everyone is there to have an enjoyable time, so please mind what you do and how it affects others.”
As Homecoming rapidly approaches, the SCA hopes all will attend. Keep an eye out for ticket information and prices using the SCA’s Instagram, and be sure to snag one before they sell out. Students can contact Rowe, co-SCA advisor Ms. Meredith Holt, or Student Activities Coordinator Sarah Fernheimer for more information.