Most of the student body looks forward to Thanksgiving break to spend time with family and eat their favorite foods; however, that does not mean that teachers are not equally as excited. Many staff members indulge in turkey and mashed potatoes when that anticipated Thursday rolls around, but it is their traditions that set their Thanksgiving days apart.
AP Pre-Calculus teacher Aryan Parsons
What does your typical Thanksgiving Day look like?
I usually get up in the morning and start cooking. For the most part, I am mainly reheating most items because I try to cook most things before the day of Thanksgiving. My husband and I are also busy setting up the seating depending on how many people are coming over to eat. Then, we usually eat around 2 PM. I have small grandchildren now, so the rest of the evening is spent doing Thanksgiving arts and crafts with them and letting them play with each other. Of course, my husband will have the Dallas Cowboys game on, but most of us are not really paying attention, except for him. After everyone leaves, I start to plan out my Black Friday shopping route and always end the evening by watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
What are the dishes that you normally cook/eat on Thanksgiving?
I make the typical foods: turkey (which we smoke), stuffing, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce (homemade), collards, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and some type of dessert (typically a pumpkin roulade with a ginger buttercream).

Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
Traditions would include everyone getting together to eat too much food, doing some type of arts and crafts with the grandkids and grand nephews/nieces, having the Dallas Cowboys game on, and watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (the official start of the Christmas season).

English 9 teacher Laura Todorovic
What does your typical Thanksgiving Day look like?
Usually, we go to my parents’ house, and we spend the day there. Sometimes my brother and his kids join us. She cooks the turkey and dessert, and we all bring the side dishes. We eat, play a game or two, watch football, and then usually do something outside like a walk or a visit to the park.

What are the dishes that you normally cook/eat on Thanksgiving?
Green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits, and pumpkin pie!
Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
I run the Turkey Trot in the morning, then I eat all I want! My mom has a white tablecloth that we all write something we are thankful for every year. It is fun to look back at and see what we have written over the years.

Todorovic takes a selfie after completing the “Tidewater Striders Turkey Trot,” which she completes every Thanksgiving morning. (Photo provided by: L. Todorovic)
French teacher Melisande Larguet Goodwin
What does your typical Thanksgiving Day look like?
I do not celebrate Thanksgiving traditionally, as it is not a French holiday. Since I moved to the U.S., I have family over for dinner and we eat traditional Thanksgiving food.
What are the dishes that you normally cook/eat on Thanksgiving?
We eat turkey and sometimes ham as well. As for the sides, it is very traditional with mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and gravy. For the desserts, we usually have a pecan, pumpkin, and apple pie.
Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
I do not have any traditions yet, but as I am starting my own family here in the U.S., I would like to create some traditions like running a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.
Naval science teacher Brett Baker
What does your typical Thanksgiving Day look like?
It is different because my family dynamics are very different this year, but traditionally, immediate family and our best friends meet at either our house or a friend’s house for turkey, ham, potatoes, stuffing, yams, and a variety of other delicious food items. It is always too much and over the top. While we use food to bring us together, it is really about being with family and friends.
What are the dishes that you normally cook/eat on Thanksgiving?
Turkey, ham, potatoes, stuffing, yams, and a variety of other delicious food items, pies, and specialty desserts.
Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
Until this year, it has always been about family and food and just a good reason to relax and enjoy the company of loved ones.
Chemistry teacher Elizabeth Dupont
What does your typical Thanksgiving Day look like?
I don’t really have a typical Thanksgiving Day. Sometimes, I have the traditional family sit-down with turkey and stuffing, but there have been times when I’ve gone out to eat Chinese with whatever family members are still in town. Other times, I’ve gone backpacking in frigid temperatures. This year, I’m going camping with my husband and really looking forward to it.
What are the dishes that you normally cook/eat on Thanksgiving?
I don’t like to cook at all. As soon as my kids grew up and started their own families, I passed along all the cooking to others. I find other ways to contribute. I don’t like turkey much. I find it tasteless for the most part. If I were a cook, I would have a beef pot roast instead. I also don’t like most of the other traditional Thanksgiving dishes. The only exception to that would be macaroni and cheese. I love macaroni and cheese in any form, but the homemade varieties made for Thanksgiving are the best. I am always disappointed if I am at a Thanksgiving dinner, and no one has brought me macaroni and cheese.
Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
Whether I am in town or not, my daughter will research a fancy cocktail for us to indulge in either on Thanksgiving Day or the weekend before one of us is not going to be available. She has pretty glasses and fancy ice shapes that she enjoys using for special occasions.
AP Environmental Science teacher Cynthia Kube
What does your typical Thanksgiving Day look like?
Our typical Thanksgiving Day begins with lots of cooking prep! Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, especially on a holiday. We always have the Macy’s Day parade on, anticipating Santa at the end. For several years, my family attended the parade, and it is a special memory.
What are the dishes that you normally cook/eat on Thanksgiving?
We have many family favorite dishes. Some recipes have been passed down from my mom. I am from New England, so fresh cranberries always take center stage! I make cranberry sauce with berries, orange juice and peel, and cinnamon. In addition to pumpkin pie, we have a cranberry cake with whipped cream. We are vegetarians, so we have a delicious “tofurkey” with stuffing and gravy, and of course all the traditional side dishes.
Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
My family’s most special tradition is to “adopt” a rescued turkey from Farm Sanctuary. This year, we adopted Thelma. Our adoption fee supports animal rescue efforts and supports education and awareness of the harmful animal agriculture industry. Over 46 million turkeys are slaughtered every Thanksgiving. For us, this adoption is a kind tradition.