Concerts, music, and lots of fun describes the iconic Something in the Water festival, a music festival held annually in Virginia Beach since 2019. Although it is a fun event, there have been several discussions between the directors of this concert and city council of Virginia Beach, which have led to the final decision to shut down the festival in its entirety.
While Pharrell Williams was the main director of this festival, he took things quite personally from the cancellation of the SITW concert. According to WTKR, Williams made a comment towards Virginia Beach council saying, “Virginia Beach is run by ‘toxic energy.’”
On the other hand, the city council of Virginia Beach had given Williams and his crew much time to get the logistics of this concert together, even pushing off dates or rescheduling for another year.
According to DailyProgress, “The festival organizers had until 5 p.m. to respond to the city’s notice of its breach of the sponsorship contract,” which ended up with the counsel not hearing anything in response to the deadline that was set in place.
With so many efforts from the Virginia Beach council, they eventually had to shut down the festival, as it was causing too many problems and left thousands of people and local residents deeply saddened.
Many people loved this festival to see some of their favorite musical artists, hangout, and have a good time with friends and family.
“Something in the Water was an awesome and unforgettable experience that Virginia granted to its people,” said senior Gian Villaflores. “Due to something in the water shutting down, I feel that it let down the community of Virginia residents like myself.”
Villaflores, being one of many here at Salem alone, was taken back when he found out about the cancellation of this festival. SITW was so much more than just music, as it brought families and communities together and bonded Virginia Beach in a way that everyone could enjoy and embrace.
Something in the Water was a very loved festival by many, and it has taken many people back when it was openly announced to be cancelled. Perhaps there will be a future agreement between Pharrell and the Council, or we may just have to look for something else in the water.