Back in the building 

The student perspective on the return to school


Andrew Mizroch, Sports Editor

For the past year, millions of people across the country have been quarantined inside their homes because of Covid-19. For a multitude of reasons, including the fact that fewer new cases have been reported recently, schools have reopened their doors–at least partially, but this move has not been without controversy. Both parents and students have strong opinions on both sides of the spectrum.

Students returning to the building on Tuesday February 23. (Photo by: M. Mizroch)

“I am really happy that I’m back in school,” said junior Holly Jaborek. “I feel like I can focus a lot better and like I am actually learning material and understanding the units.” 

Learning through a laptop for the past year has been very challenging to adapt to, but going back in person brings its own challenges. 

“I love that we are in school again,” said Jaborek. “However, I don’t think that things are structured well. There are many things that could be improved on. For one, teachers are having a difficult time teaching in person and face to face [at the same time]. No matter what, one party is ignored or distanced from.”

This is only one of many struggles of returning back into schools in a hybrid format, but there are still many positives about in person learning. 

“I feel some sort of a nostalgic feeling,” said junior Julian Sagayno. “I get to feel the times again of talking to my friends, seeing my teachers, and eating the good food served in the commons.”

Granted, just because students and teachers are back in classrooms doesn’t mean that school looks the same as it did pre-COVID.

“I have been back in school when they first reopened and now this week, it’s such a drastic change,” said junior Nick Samuels. “It’s not the same social interaction and environment you would normally have.”

Learning during these challenging times has been a challenge to adapt to, but teachers and students are working together to make it the best experience possible.