In person or virtual?

Students share which setting they prefer 


Madison Mizroch, Staff Writer

On March 13 2020 schools shut their doors and went all virtual. Freshman returned for a short span in the fall and now students are either all virtual or hybrid (attending school twice a week in person). There are plus and minuses to both. 

Two hundred and nineteen students and teachers responded to a survey by the SunDevil Times about their preferences: 46.6% of respondents prefer in person learning, 31.5% prefer virtual learning, and 21.9% had no preference.

Being at school to learn in person was the most preferred mode of learning, but not by a massive margin. 

“I prefer in person,” said freshman Farrah Torres. “You have more help in person, you can communicate with others and actually learn. Also, it is easier to ask for help and there is more physical activity.” 

A good number of students chose Option 2 and are staying virtual all year, either because it makes them feel most safe, or because they prefer learning virtually.

“There are so many benefits of being virtual,” said sophomore Brie Latham. “It is less stressful, gives you more freedom, and you can work at your own pace.”

The SunDevil Times was surprised to find that almost 22% of students had no preference in mode of learning. Senior Hannah Rollinis is one of those students.

“It doesn’t really matter to me because we are still learning the same topics,” said Rollins

Despite which mode of learning students chose, Option 1 or Option 2, everyone has had to adapt to change. Given all the resources aimed at virtual learning time will tell if virtual learning will remain an option in some capacity in future years for those students who prefer that option.

What students have to say:

Pro In Person:

“Like most people, I just miss normalcy.” – senior Rosemary Nelson

“I prefer seeing the actual teacher, as well as being away from the loud atmosphere of my home.” – sophomore Damian Ellison

“I prefer in person because there are so many opportunities you can do and learn much better. People can socialize more, instead of being at home and being lazy and doing nothing. Teachers can actually see if a student is trying to do their work, or they can see if one of their students need help, if they are struggling. It is important to have school in person for many reasonable reasons.” – sophomore Kaylie Addison

“While learning virtually at home, I’ve been surrounded by constant distraction and little motivation to even get out of bed. The in-person school environment gives me structure and allows me to focus by being one-on-one with my teachers.” – sophomore Lia Paras

“I love being in an academic environment. It’s hard at home because I have siblings, one of which is a 9 month old, and both of my parents work from home. There’s constant internet issues and the learning experience is not the same.” – junior Taylor Rimmer

“In person is just easier to learn. The materials are in the classroom, the teacher is in the classroom, the classmates are there too. The help we need is available there. It’s a lot more difficult doing that online.” – junior Evie Meares

“I prefer in person learning because I am a musician and it is really hard to play music and enjoy playing in an ensemble over zoom.” – freshman Becca Liverman 

“I prefer to learn in person. I feel like I’m able to interact more with both my teachers and my classmates and be able to do more “hands on” assignments. For me, I prefer to be in a classroom setting, where I have moral support from my friends and teachers and a place where I can get my work done faster. Being in school helps me to stay positive and in a happier place.” – freshman Annalee Barton 

I prefer in person because it helped me to focus more and it honestly makes me feel happier then sitting inside my room all day everyday.” – junior Daegan A.Wrightstone 

Pro Virtual:

“I prefer virtual learning to in person because, due to COVID, my favorite parts of in-real-life high school are gone. No one lunch, no hugging friends and cheering at sports games. It is just kind of depressing.” – senior Caroline Van Schenck

“For the time being, I love virtual more because I don’t have to wear a mask constantly, am able to eat when I want, and go to work whenever I don’t have classes.” – senior Conner Thomas

I prefer virtual learning because I am able to get all of my work done. I feel like I have so much more time to make sure all of my work in completed and turned in. I also have a chance to go to work earlier so that I can get some more money.” – senior Makayla Moore

“I feel like online is easier, and a lot less stressful.”  – junior Alexia Arnold 

“I prefer virtual because it easier for me and it feels like individual learning (which help me go at my own pace especially if I do not understand something).” – junior Amerie Williams

“I prefer virtual because I have two other siblings that also go to Salem High School and with the amount of different people we each have to come in contact with it is just not considerate of my two younger siblings at home who immune systems are not as strong.” – senior Mackenzie Rickard

“My favorite type of learning experience that I prefer would be virtual because I have more opportunity and time to do so much more things and get my school work done on time. I also don’t have to waste my money going back and forth to school and then work because of gas so that’s another pro for me. My con would be that I don’t get to spend time with my friends as much and we have to social distance a lot so that’s irritating. But other than that I am glad that we have the option to be virtual because now I am able to speak in class more too.” – junior Ashante Conley

“I prefer virtual just because I am able to focus a lot better, In school I tend to zone out so being at home I feel a lot more focused being in a familiar environment.” – juniors Venessa Nakatani