Teacher of the year 

Congratulations Mr.  Jason Byzewski


Sara Zimba, Managing Editor

A true renaissance man, Jason Byzewski has taught math here for the past fourteen years. A graduate of the class of 2002, Byzewski has spent most of his life as a SunDevil. His dedication has paid off and manifested in his recognition as Teacher of the Year for the 2020-2021 school year. 

Teacher of the Year, Mr. Jason Byzewski teaches AP stats in a hybrid model. He uses two laptops, a View Sonic board, and a web cam so that all his students can fully participate. (Photo by: S. Zimba)

“When I was named Teacher of the Year, I was overwhelmed,” said Byzewski.  “It was a tremendous honor to be recognized by my peers and people that I’ve known for years, even teachers I once had in high school.”

This year, Byzewski taught Ap Calculus, Ap Computer Science A, and Algebra Two/Trig during first term, and Ap Calculus and Ap Computer Science A during term 2. Students in his classes are used to his witty humor and jokes which help make the difficult material he teaches more enjoyable. 

“I’ve definitely minimized facial expressions, lessened some of the sarcasm I could typically get away with,” said Byzewski in reference to hybrid teaching. “In terms of actually teaching, I’ve had to rely upon myself more to know when students do or do not understand. I’ve had to use past experiences more when I can’t tell. Things that students normally do not grasp, or ways I know what I’m saying just is not clicking. Students are much more hesitant when they’re confused about something.”

Most people who’ve taken a math class can attest to the fact that math can be very frustrating. It’s easy for students to get into a mental block and burn out, but the small victories Byzweski  hones in on make it rewarding.

Byzweski’s favorite part of teaching is seeing the “lightbulb that goes off, that you can see in students’ faces, especially after they had been struggling.”

Byzweski also loves the interactions with students. 

“It helps me stay young-ish,” said Byzweski. “If I was in another profession I would have no idea of younger culture, but because I teach I have some grasp of current trends and it helps with my daughter.”

Congratulations to Jason Byzweski, Teacher of the Year!