Two potential calendars for the 2021-22 school year

The School Board will vote on a calendar after Spring Break


Anna Grace Riegle, Staff Writer

On February 25 the Virginia Beach City Public School’s School Board decided to review and revise the initially planned 2021-2022 school year calendar. As in previous years, the School Board planned to begin instruction the day after Labor Day, but this year, that day happens to also be Rosh Hashanah, which marks the start of the Jewish new year. As a result of this conflict, two potential calendars have been proposed.

One calendar option begins the year prior to Rosh Hashanah and the other after. Option 1 has the school year beginning on September 9th and ending on June 17th. If this calendar is selected, the year will have 181 student school days, with a seven-day winter break and a five-day spring break. Option 2 would begin the school year on August 30th and end on June 16th. Under Option 2 we would have 183 student school days, with a eight-day winter break and a six-day spring break.

The SunDevil Times wanted to know what you think and 103 students and teachers responded. 

The majority prefer Option 1:

“Starts later, however I’ve used both schedules over time.” – sophomore Benjamin Cruz

“We get to fully finish out August, so our summer feels longer.” – junior Sean Dargusch

“It is what I am used to, and it would feel off to start school earlier than September” – junior Jaden Riley

“Because it seems like summer lasts longer.” – junior Keenan Davis

“It’s tradition for the first day to be after labor day.” – junior Jack Eden Heidlebaugh

“I prefer having a slightly longer summer vacation over a slightly shorter one.” – junior Gavin Harlan

“I’m used to it and I like the extra week of summer, it doesn’t feel right going back in August.” – junior Jillian Alfieri

“I prefer option 1 because it’s something that we have been doing for many years and changing things up doesn’t really do anything for me. Option 1 is better also because I get to spend time with family more, do volunteer work, summer school to get extra credits in, and go travel to other places. I believe that changing things up like this could probably affect us in a negative way.” – sophomore Ashante Conley

“Less days and later start time.” – junior Xavier Guiler 

Reasons some students prefer option 2:

“The earlier start does have drawbacks, but the longer breaks in the middle are more beneficial.” – junior Mattie Oberley

“Because I want to start school and get it over with.”  – sophomore Wesleigh Chandler

“Longer breaks are refreshing.” – junior Ethan Rabusa

“Longer breaks and just a couple more days of school isn’t too horrible.” – junior Venessa Nakatani

“It’s my senior year. Might as well live it up one last time for as long as I can.” – junior Jonah N. Holt

“I want more time to visit my family out of state during breaks.” – junior Ellie Holt

“Less summer.” – junior Alex Smith