Sayonara stage, studio, song, and sculpture

VPAA Academy graduation plans


Jesse Wallenburg-Cooksey, Staff Writer

Nothing is better than putting in hard work and being acknowledged for it.  Academy graduates illustrate this effort through all the hard work they have done for their respective art.  During these confusing times academy coordinators are putting in everything they have to make sure these students get recognized.

“This year we are hoping to get back to something that is more traditional in terms of our academy graduation,” said Theatre Instructor Mrs. Sharon Byrd. “We are hoping to have an evening where students could actually cross the stage and we would live stream the celebration.”

Virtual students will still be honored during the graduation ceremony. Everyone has faced challenges this year so it is more important than ever to celebrate achievements.

“Only VPAA seniors will be permitted to attend; however, the event will be live streamed for families and friends to view,” said Academy Coordinator Mrs. Ann Bissell. “The VPAA Senior Celebration will be held on June 9th at 4:00 in the auditorium.”

Although family and friends won’t physically be there, seniors can feel comforted knowing that they will be able to see them on the live stream.

“We are hoping to have all the graduating seniors, in the auditorium, and have a strand speaker from each strand,” said Byrd. “We hope to have students cross the stage and receive their medals, cords, a rose from their strand teacher, and to be in the same space to celebrate together.”

Although graduation is important, during a Pandemic there are very specific conditions that need to be followed so this event can be held safely.

“We want to make sure that we celebrate our VPAA seniors accomplishments during their time at the Academy; however, we need to make sure that we do it safely,” said Bissell “It is all about planning! Our seniors are required to RSVP to attend the event, be seated socially distant in the auditorium, and wear masks”

Safety has been the largest concern for the graduation, but teachers and administrators are working hard to make it a memorable experience.