Best in Show

Mrs. Melisa Shappell wins best in show at the boardwalk art show


Mary Alice Colvin, Staff Writer

Art teacher Mrs. Melisa Shappell blew the competition out of the water with an amazing win for her piece “Fishing for a Wishing” at the boardwalk art show. 

Kathleen A. Trace

“The show had over 130 artists that spanned over 15 boardwalk blocks,” said Shappell. “I love the work I created, but I had zero expectations that it would pan out to anything.”

The reason behind Shappell’s piece makes it even more special.

“It took a few months working on and off to complete,” said Shappell. “Fishing for a Wishing” is a piece from my psychology of expectations series. It provides whimsical and satirical visual commentary on the human desire to seek validation from others.” 

Shappell was shocked when her name was announced. 

“Right before they announced my name I was actually yelling, clapping, and jumping up and down because one of my good friends had just won the Virginia’s finest award,” said Shappell. “I had zero expectations that I would win Best in Show. The shock on my face was pretty evident.”

Shappell’s hard work and dedication to her passion are an inspiration to VPAA students and the whole Salem community.