Adjusted Dismissal

Opinions on the early release Wednesdays


Payton Gross, Staff Writer

On November 17, 2021, Virginia Beach City Public Schools experienced their first adjusted dismissal day for students. Thus far, adjusted dismissal days have sparked quite a bit of controversy from staff, students, and parents. Some feel that teachers don’t really need this extra time, while others feel that this is a small step in the right direction towards teachers being given time to plan and grade.

“I feel that we’re trading one problem for another,” said Social Studies teacher Ms. Jessica Fiedler. “They give us this extra time on Wednesdays to plan, but we sacrifice that for time with- students, causing them to be behind.”

A primary reason the early dismissals were enacted was because teachers voiced that they are working overtime and becoming overstressed to support student needs. Everything from modifying lesson plans to provide support for students who fell behind during virtual learning to providing assignments to quarantined students for example.

Many teachers have just had enough and thrown in the towel. According to, between August of 2020 and September of 2020 there were over 70 teacher resignations. According to 13 News Now, as of October 26, 2021 school administrators said that 300 instructional positions were unfilled.

Many feel that the work required of teachers just isn’t equal to the pay or the stress. They say the time on Wednesdays helps, but it isn’t a long term solution. 

“I think that something needs to be done, but I don’t know that this is the exact right plan” said vocal strand teacher Corbin Pinto

Despite all of this, many students look forward to short Wednesdays. 

“I think that they’ve definitely helped me because I get busy after school most days, and adjusted dismissals let me play catch up,” said junior Julianna Higghins

Adjusted dismissals have received very mixed reviews so far. It is yet unseen if they will continue past January.