The 355

Review of new spy movie the 355

Serena Johnston, Staff Writer

It’s still a strange experience. The lights slowly dimming, the taste of overly buttered popcorn, and the first shock to your ears from the volume of the speakers. All five senses are bombarded as the movie begins. 

The day I found out about 355, I bought tickets. The idea of a group of female spies saving the world sounded like a good movie and, it seemed like a fun, laid-back way to spend a Sunday. 

I wasn’t expecting much and that is what I got. The movie stars big actresses including Jessica Chastain, Penélope Cruz, and Lupita Nyong’o, yet the movie seems sloppy.

The plot is about six women who band together through a series of events to retrieve a drive that can access any digital system in the world, before it gets into the wrong hands. 

The trailer is misleading because it seems like these women have deep backgrounds when, in the movie, each character is only given a few traits and their backstories are never fully explored creating a lacking feeling between the audience and characters.

The fight scenes are interesting, but aren’t very detailed. They all seem very basic and in at least one scene, the women take down a squad of CIA agents, but the whole time the lights are flashing and obscuring the audience from seeing what is actually happening. 

The whole plot is very basic and doesn’t feel fresh or new. I would recommend watching the movie for a family movie night, because it is definitely not worth the money for the theaters. 

One upside is that the ending of the movie leaves an opening for a sequel. While I wasn’t very impressed with the first one, I would consider watching the second, but from the comfort of my own couch.