The Unraveling of Puptheband

On April 1, 2022, the indie rock band “Pup,” released their newest album named The Unraveling of Puptheband


Payton Gross, Staff Writer

On April 1, 2022, the indie and pop-punk band PUP released their most recent album, THE UNRAVELING OF PUPTHEBAND. To say the least, this magnificently chaotic collection of songs is interesting.

The album begins with the short song “Four Chords.” In this song, PUP makes references to “the board of directors,” which stands as a metaphor for the music industry, and how it seems that even when pouring love, effort, and money into their music, it’s still not good enough at times. Regardless of everything PUP does to succeed, they can’t please everyone. Upon first listening, I thought that “Four Chords” and the second song, “Totally Fine,” were two parts of one whole. The slow piano, transitioning in the fast-paced guitar and chaos felt very reminiscent of the song “Black Parade,” by My Chemical Romance. I feel that the similarity is too close for there not to be some kind of inspiration, but PUP has not disclosed any influence taken from the MCR classic.

A song that stood out to me was the album’s fifth song, “Relentless.” This song speaks specifically about being sad, and that sometimes even if you want to, you can’t get rid of the sadness. There aren’t a lot of metaphors or anything, but it’s that simplicity that makes this song in particular stand out. 

This album closes with the song “PUPTHEBAND Inc. Is Filing For Bankruptcy.” This song focuses on “the board of directors,” and the problems that follow. From limitations on creative ability to not having a real place in the music industry and having to pursue a new career. A lyric that stood out and made me happy, however, was when lead singer Stefan Babcock noted, “There’s no place I’d rather be instead… I’m truly grateful for the life that I’ve led / I’m just being dramatic.”

Song list – 

Four Chords

Totally Fine 

Robot Writes A Love Song 



Four Chords Pt. II: Five Chords 



Cutting Off The Corners 

Grim Reaping

Four Chords Pt. III: Diminishing Returns

PUPTHEBAND Inc. Is Filing For Bankruptcy