One lunch is back

Will one lunch become the norm again?


Macee Dippery, Staff Writer

One lunch was a “Salem norm” before the COVID-19 pandemic. Since COVID, One Lunch has been given many faces, but nothing recognizable to our seniors, who were freshmen when One Lunch was part of the everyday schedule. 

“One Lunch allows me to hang out with my friends and meet new people,” said sophomore Kendall White. With COVID and the transition into high school, it’s been hard to make new friends and get involved with my class.”

On January 23, One Lunch was reintroduced and then it was taken away on January 27 due to poor student behavior. 

“I feel as if the whole situation was rushed,” said senior Howl Bates. “When it got taken away, it was not at all surprising.”

Administrators implemented One Lunch back into our schedules starting on April 17. Sophomore Laura Mariano was looking forward to it.

“One Lunch gives me multiple opportunities for tutoring,” said Mariano. “Whereas without One Lunch my after-school rehearsals overlap with my teacher’s office hours and it makes my schedule more complicated.”

Given that current seniors are the only grade level who experienced the original One Lunch, the majority of the school’s population is getting introduced to a new routine. Administrators want to give students the opportunity to have One Lunch and their top priority is safety.

“We have to make sure that our students are safe no matter what, that is our priority,” said School Improvement Specialist, Mrs. Maggie Wilson.

With One Lunch now back on our daily schedule, it is up to us to uphold the expectations. It is important to be respectful, keep our school clean, and use our extended lunch wisely to keep things running smoothly and safely.