Highlights of High School

Senior’s favorite memory from high school

Emmaly Lemieszek, Design Editor

What is your favorite high school memory? Why?

Tia Durand:

My favorite high school experience was going to bonfire because I got to meet new people, watch people do the things they love, and have good food while playing games and having live entertainment. I also really enjoyed senior sunrise because it’s our last year together and everyone got to hangout as a big group and catch up before we said our goodbyes.

Zane Durkalski:

I think my favorite memory would have to be homecoming week; setting up the decorations for the hallway contest was enjoyable, but also challenging. The bonfire was fun. I got to walk around and advertise Class of 2023 merch in a monkey costume which was an experience; then the homecoming game which is probably my favorite part, talking to everyone and watching the game was so much fun and I also got to do the sword arch bridge for the homecoming court, and then the dance which was actually my least favorite part.

Emily Euler:

I would say leadership workshops have definitely been one of my favorite experiences at Salem! Getting to serve as a staff member and become close to such an amazing group of people is something I will never forget. Also, I will always be proud of inspiring others to love student leadership just like I have.

Julia Foronda:

It’s hard to choose one, probably the most memorable would be serving as staff for SHSLW ’23. I truly enjoyed working with my fellow staff and delegates this year. It was great seeing the delegates grow and have fun. I was also given the honor of doing this year’s theme board which made me happy that I was leaving some sort of legacy and impact to Salem :))

Matthew Lonzon:

I’d definitely have to say performing at the pep rallies. The crowd was really supportive (especially the seniors) throughout our entire performance. I remember hearing the crowd after we moonwalked and we definitely did not expect that type of reaction. It was always high energy even when we messed up and overall it was a great time!

Devlin May:

My first leadership workshop because it helped me get out of my shell and be more outgoing.

RJ Mendoza:

The dodgeball tournament back on March 23rd. In my opinion, it brought the school together to have a blast over an exciting tournament. The energy was high and the environment was just accepting. Not to mention it was my passion project and made a lot of money for the class of 2023.

Alex Rakowski:

I would have to say it was when I got a whole bunch of awards at that award ceremony junior year, and I got the semper fidelis award for music excellence.

Ella Ramsey:

Definitely growing up with my academy vocal tech class. Most of us have had at least one class together every year and it’s definitely my safe space because of it. We fight sometimes, but we’ve become family for sure.

Ryan Sapinoso:

My favorite part of high school would probably be getting involved and learning how many different communities there are in just a small space.  I love being involved with the school because it is extremely fun. There’s never a boring week.

Adri Savage:

This might be a basic answer, but I think this homecoming season was the best I’ve ever had. I spent it with people I loved which made it fun. From bonfire, to the game and the dance I had soooo much fun. I also felt like Salem was finally getting its groove back.

Alexis Soto:

My favorite high school memory is helping kids out in guidance on A-days because I get to meet new people and make new friends.