With the Holiday Showcase only a couple of months away, the Film Club is already planning. This begs the question: what goes on behind the scenes of Film Club?
The Film Club is known for their movies and photographs.
“I don’t really know much about them, except that they make videos and take pictures,” said junior Isabel Nickleberry. “But I really liked the video they made in last year’s Holiday Showcase.”
We’ve seen the results of their projects in the showcase, but what actually goes into the film-making process?
“We do a lot of, what I like to call, ‘gorilla filmmaking.’ We ask ourselves, ‘What story do I want to tell?,’ ‘What shots do I want to take?’ and then we tape things during the week to post to the school or YouTube,” said Film Club sponsor John Moss. “It’s very messy, but we’d rather make a bunch of messy things together, instead of one big, perfect thing.”
Producing a film can feel like you’re all over the place, but it’s worth seeing the end result and feeling proud of it.

“Our goal is to do more school-advert things,” said Moss. “I’m a coordinator for STUDENT projects/work, so whenever my students come to me with a project they wanna do, I just coordinate how we can put it together. Like the Holiday Showcase, which is coming up, I do have something planned. So, everyone should look out for something Light Saber themed.”
The students of Film Club appreciate the opportunity that the showcase provides.
“It’s given not just me, but all of us a chance to create things, and everyone gets to have a part and a chance to participate,” said senior Raine Morrison.
It also gives them experience for when they want to join the film industry. The positive and carefree environment influences everyone to never hold back their ideas or opinions.
“I really enjoy acting and when getting into that directive aspect, it brings out something that is creative, loose, and less controlled,” said Morrison. “We’re given the opportunity to have more freedom. It helps me be prepared to audition for plays and roles and other stuff like that.”
Their commitment, cohesiveness, and collective spirit make the club’s films feel authentic. You can view some of the Film Club’s work on the Salem High School YouTube channel.