
Dana Potter leaves an imprint on and off the mat


Andrew Mizroch, Sports Editor

Sophomore Dana Potter was one of many gymnasts who qualified for regionals this year. Potter has been competing in gymnastics for many years and credits her time in the gym with teaching her lessons that go far beyond the mat. 


“Over the years I have learned that determination is the most important aspect needed in this sport,¨ said Potter. “During this past season, I started to compete all around, and knowing the responsibility of this, I put effort and hard work into everything. I’m already looking forward to next season and seeing new people and what they can bring to the team.”

The leadership skills Potter has learned through gymnastics have inspired her to get involved in other sports, clubs, and activities. 

“Another sport I am a part of is the volleyball team during the fall,” said Potter. “I am also a member of the SCA executive council and have been for the past two years. I am a part of the VPAA as a musician and play the violin, during this past concert I was a concert  mistress.”

Potter’s determination and involvement is inspiring to other gymnasts.. 

“She is hardworking and very involved,” said junior Marilyn Niles. “She’s a goof off the mats, but you can see how determined and focused she gets when she performs every skill whenever she competes.”

Niles has been on the gymnastics team since freshman year and so has junior Katelynn Hocker.

“On the mats Dana is very focused and works really hard to do the best that she can do,” said Hocker. “Off of the mats Dana is super caring and really funny. She can always make me laugh, and always puts a smile on my face.”

Potter has shown herself to be a force on and off the mat that cannot be ignored.