Is anyone else bored yet?

13 ways to stay busy during quarantine


Lily Brown and Meghan Amon

Governor Ralph Northam has declared all non-essential businesses in Virginia closed until June 10th and schools will be closed for the rest of the school year. This leaves many of us at home, isolated from friends, and running out of things to do. Here are 13 suggestions for things to do while staying home and being safe: 

    1. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Even better skype, zoom, or Facetime with them.
    2. Watch a new movie. You can get a seven day free trial of HBO Now here. You can also watch movies for free on several different apps if you have a library card. Check out the options here.
    3. Learn a new skill like sign language or sewing. Did you know you can use your Virginia Beach library card to access all kinds of free classes on Universal Class.
    4. Solve puzzles. You could go traditional with a hands on puzzle or digital. There are tons of free puzzle apps. If you get the paper you could do the daily crossword puzzle.
    5. Meditate. If you already know how to meditate, you can go it on your own, but if you’re a beginner you might want to try a meditation book or app to get you started. Here is a link to a website that ranks free meditation apps.
    6. Organize closet/room. You can listen to Marie Kondo’s The Lifechanging Magic of Tidying Up for free with your library Libby subscription. Or you can watch Tidying Up on Netflix to find some inspiration. Make sure to recycle or donate what you can rather than just throwing it away. While you’re at it take some time to make your room resemble you. Make it a cozy place where you feel your best.
    7. Try a new workout. Have you been following Ms. Amy’s yoga videos on Schoology? If not, just check out your updates for the link. On top of that there are TONS of free websites and apps with everything from dancing to karate workouts for you to try out.
    8. Build something. Need a new bookcase? See if you can find directions online and build one yourself. Thinking a little smaller? Build your own bird feeder or compost bin.
    9. Create playlists for your COVID19 moods.
    10. Find new recipes and try cooking or baking. Cooking is a great way to have fun and get rewarded with a delicious treat at the end. Pinterest is a great starting point for anything you might want to make. You can also share what you have created on social media. 
    11. Play board games with loved ones. Board games are a way to get away from any electronic screen, but still have fun with family. 
    12. Unplug outside. The weather is beautiful and there are still places to go to be alone and with nature. You might start with your own front yard or go to a neighborhood park. The beach is open for walking and fishing as well. Just make sure if you go to a public place you follow the social distancing rules.
    13. Get creative. Draw, paint, write, compose music, whatever gets your creative juices flowing.




Whatever you do, don’t forget to get your Emergency Learning lessons done too. Check in with your teachers and let them know how you are doing. They want to hear from you!

If you try out one of our suggestions, post it on social media and tag @SHSPress to share your COVID19 quarantine entertainment.